Every train journey to and from work would always see me with my latest’ horror find’ perched in my lap, trying to finish just that one more page before I had to relinquish my seat and reluctantly put my book away.
Inevitably, the books that engrossed me for my meagre train journeys, while those around me plugged themselves into the latest from the top ten or something worthy from the Booker list… well mine, to be honest, had either Zombies, Vampires or Werewolves in them and if I was really lucky, all three… not very worthy or highbrow I know, but for me whenever I opened those pages and let reality fall away, it was like being a teenager again watching an old Saturday night horror flick… and I loved it.
Just like those old movies, sometimes they were good and sometimes they were not but even the bad ones were enjoyable in their own strange way. It was after finishing one of those ‘well that wasn’t the book I thought it was going to be’ novels, that I decided that I could probably give this a go myself… so the next day I worked out a character list and their story arcs and just started.
So here I am a year later with my first book on Amazon and more on the way… So if you’re sat on the tube, subway or train turning the last page of a book that didn’t deliver on its promises… give one of my books ago… you may just be surprised.