
Six Days With The Dead

Book One of the Lanherne Chronicles

Now available to buy in paperback
Or read on Kindle / eBook

No-one used the ’Z’ word, they simply called them the Dead and for the last seven years they have held the world in their bloody grasp. The group of survivors at the Lanherne Convent in Cornwall, did what they could to make the best of life in this brutal world and compared to many their lives were easy. But when Charlie, an ex-soldier, arrives home with a distraught stranger telling of murderous raiders, they know things are about to change. Leaving the safety of the Convent to warn the other nearby outposts, Charlie, Liz and Imran soon learn it’s not only the Dead they have to worry about and before long the very stones of Lanherne are awash with spilt blood and stolen lives.

Every train journey to and from work would always see me with my latest' horror find' perched in my lap, trying to finish just that one more page before.


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